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Lab 5: Recursive Array Methods


The main goals for this lab are for you to get more comfortable with recursion and arrays.

We are going to implement methods in a class called Start by making that file with an empty main method.

1. Sum of Numbers

We are going to create a method called sumArray that takes in an array of integers and returns the sum of the numbers in the array.

1.2 Testing

Start by creating the method stub. Then in the main method, write out some tests. You can do this writing System.out.printf("sumArray() returns %d, should be %d\n" sumArray(...), <CorrectAnswer>)). Here, ... is the argument to the method and <CorrectAnswer> is what we expect the result of the method to be. For example, if we pass in the array {1, 2, 3}, the correct answer should be 6.

Write at least 5 tests. At least one of the tests should be an array of length 0.

1.2 Recursive method signature

Imagine we want to compute the sum of integers in an array using a recursive solution. Unlike .substring(...) for strings, there is no simple/straight forward method for extracting a subarray. Therefore, the signature for the recursive method might look like public static int sumArray(int[] numbers, int index).

When we call this method recursively, we will pass in the same array but will update the index.

Now, write the method stub for this method signature. Then, call this method from the sumArray() that has just one parameter.

Question:, when we call sumArray(int[] numbers, int index), what should the initial index be?

1.3 Base Case

Question: What do you think is the base case where we will stop making recursive calls? Explain your answer.

ANSWER When `index` is the length of the array - 1.
Alternatively when `index` is 0.

Question: Now implement the base case.

1.4 Recursive step

QUESTION During each recursive step, what do we want to keep track off, and what do we want to punt down the line?

QUESTION We gave two possible answers to the quesiton in 5.3.1. How would we update index in each recursive call for the first answer and for the second answer above?

Question: Now implement the recursive step.

1.5 Run the tests

Now that you implemented tests, make sure to run them. Do your tests pass, i.e does the method return the value you expect each time?

If so, add the following 4 tests to your main.

After these tests pass, you should be confident that your implementation is correct!

2 Product of numbers

Given an array of integers, write a method called product that returns the product of all the numbers in the array. product should have one parameter, the array of numbers. Your solution should be recursive.

For example product([1,2,3,4]) should return 24.

If an array contains only one number it should return the value of that one number. For example product([4]) should return 4.

Use the same procedure we outlined in the previous question to complete this problem.

3 Keep letters

Given an array of characters, write a method called keepLetters that returns a string where the non-English alphabet letters are removed. You must use a recursive solution. Additionally, you cannot use any Character or String methods, meaning no getNumericalValue() or similar methods.

For example keepLetters(['1','2','A','3','a',4]) should return "Aa".

Use the same procedure we outlined in the first question to complete this problem.

Signing out

Before leaving, make sure your TA/instructor have signed you out of the lab. If you finish the lab early, you are free to go.