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Lab 1: Variables, Converting Data Types, Input


The main goals for this lab are for you to get more comfortable with variables, reading in data, and connect to the lab machines. We will be covering the following topics:

Paired Programming rules

This lab is a paired programming assignment. What exactly does that mean? You will be working in pairs on the CS lab computers. Each pair will be working on one computer. One person will be the driver and the other person will be the navigator. Here is the rule: the driver controlls the lab computer, but the driver can only type what the navigator tells them to type. For this to work well, each pair should be constantly talking among themselves. After each problem, you will switch roles, the navigator will become the driver and the driver will become the navigator.

Finishing the lab

Before leaving the lab, make sure you go through your answers with a TA or instructor.

0. CS Lab Machine Setup

Hopefully you completed Lab00 so far. If not, then run the following commands on the terminal on the lab machine:

mkdir cs113
cd cs113
mkdir labs
cd labs
mkdir lab01
cd lab01

To confirm this works, you should see something like edinella@goldengate:~/cs113/labs/lab01$ on the command prompt. You will hopefully see your username instead of edinella and different name after the @ symbol besides for goldengate. Lab00 explains what the second name means.

Another way to confirm you followed the steps above correctly is to run pwd. You should the see something like /home/edinella/cs113/labs/lab01 (where again it will say your username rather than edinella.

1. Expressions

Each row in the table below represents an expression. Please fill in the value and types for each expression.

Expression Value Type
2.0 + 3
5.5 / 10
5 - 2 * 3
48 % 2
55 % 4
“I” + “love” + “CS113!”


Note: The next few problems will require asking the user for information, storing the information, and then doing something with it. Look at slide 6 from the 2nd lecture on how to read in what the user writes in the console.


Write a program that asks the user for two integers and then prints the sum of the numbers. You can assume that the user will put in valid integers. When run, your program should do the following: 1) the program asks a user for a number 2) the user enters an integer 3) the program asks a user for a second number 4) the user enters an integer 5) the program prints the sum.
See if you can exactly match the format below!

$ javac
$ java Sum1
Please give me one number:
Please give me a second number:
The sum of the two numbers is 7
HINT ABOUT CONVERTING DATA TYPES Look at slide 33 for how to convert Strings to integers or doubles.


Modify your Sum program to match the following format. That is, the user input should be on the same line as the prompt.

$ javac
$ java Sum1
Please give me one number: 5
Please give me a second number: 2
The sum of the two numbers is 7
HINT You might want to look at Section 1.6 (Displaying two messages) in your textbook.

TODO: Question 1.1: Run the Sum1 program but now input a number with a decimal point. What happens, and why?


Write a program that asks the user for two numbers and then prints the sum of the numbers. This time, the numbers should be able to contain decimal points. Below is an exmple.

$ javac
$ java Sum3
Please give me one number: 5.5
Please give me a second number: 2.6
The sum of the two numbers is 8.1

Checkpoint: Before continuing, make sure a TA or instructor has checked your code and answers to the previous part.

3. Madlibs

Write a madlib program called Roses that asks the user for 2 colors and one adjective, then prints out the filled-in poem. If you are not familiar with madlibs, its the worlds greatest game, at least thats what they say on their website. Take a quick break and play one with your partner, you’ll have fun:

Below is an example of compiling and running the program:

$ javac
$ java Roses
color: pink
color: azure
adjective: funny

Roses are pink
Violets are azure
Sugar is funny
and so are you!

4. Hotel Bill

Write a program called Bill that takes a user’s hotel room rate and outputs the cost of a 6% sales tax and 10.5% city tourism fee. The program should then output the total bill. Below is an example

$ javac
$ java Bill
Room rate: 100
Total nights: 3
Tax: $ 18.0
Tourism Fee: $ 31.5
Total: $ 349.50

Checkpoint: Before continuing, make sure a TA or instructor has checked your code and answers to the previous part.

5. Reading Code

For the rest of the lab, you will be reading and analyzing code.

5.1 Cats

Read the following program called Cats. What would the output of this program be?

public class Cats {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       String type = "tuxedo";
       int fish = 3;

       System.out.println("The "+type+" cat caught "+fish+" fish.");

5.2 Errors:

The following programs have a problem. For each program, what is the error? Is error is syntax error, runtime error, or logic error? How can we fix the problem?

5.2.1 Mystery 1

public class Mystery1 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String input = System.console().readLine()
        int value = Integer.parseInt(input);
        double fraction = value / 10
        System.out.println("The fraction is "+fraction);

TODO: Quesiton 5.2.1. what is the error? Is the error is syntax error, runtime error, or logic error? How can we fix the problem?

5.2.2 Mystery 2

public class Mystery2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String input = System.console().readLine();
        int value = Integer.parseInt(input);
        double fraction = value / 10;
        System.out.println("The fraction is "+fraction);

TODO: Quesiton 5.2.2. what is the error? Is the error is syntax error, runtime error, or logic error? How can we fix the problem?

5.2.3 Mystery 3

public class Mystery3 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String input = System.console().readLine();
        int value = Integer.parseInt(input);
        double fraction = value / 0;
        System.out.println("The fraction is "+fraction);

TODO: Quesiton 5.2.3. what is the error? Is the error is syntax error, runtime error, or logic error? How can we fix the problem?

Wrap up

In todays lab we covered variables, reading input from a user, and errors.

Signing out

Before leaving, make sure your TA/instructor have signed you out of the lab. If you finish the lab early, you are free to go. If you did not finish, make sure you attend office hours where a TA will sign off that you completed the lab.